Chimneys take the brunt of bad weather and over time, their structure weakens if we don’t maintain them well. If your chimney looks weather-beaten or you see loose chimney bricks, it’s time you call Steve’s Masonry Service. Our experienced professionals provide chimney restoration and construction in Victoria and surrounding areas. Choose us and we will ensure that your chimney is structurally sound, does not cause accidental fires or emit noxious gases into your living space.
Chimney Diagnostics and Installations
There is nothing like coming to a warm and cozy home. And on chilly nights, the best place you’d like to be is near your fireplace. Your chimney and fireplace work hand-in-hand to keep your home warm. A lot depends on how well your chimney is maintained. So if you haven’t been using your chimney for a long time, it’s recommended that you have professionals come in and check its functionality and condition before you start reusing it. Call Steve’s Masonry Service and we will get your chimney functioning well. We also provide installation services. Rely on us for:
​Diagnostic services for water leaks, smoke and draw issues
Installation of brick and stone veneers